Modern wellness dedicated to healing your root cause.

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in Kansas City, Missouri.

Transformative Healing

At Modern Meridian, we are dedicated to transformative healing with effective, modern wellness solutions to rebalance your body’s innate intelligence and support your healing, health journey.

Integrative Wellness and Individualized Care

It’s more than one symptom.

We get to the root cause to support your body’s incredible ability to heal itself.

Our clinic offers acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, herbal medicine and red light therapy to treat and relieve overall symptoms.

Pain Management

Hormonal Therapy

Autoimmune Therapy

Gut Health

Chinese Herbal Medicine Kansas City

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Quality herbs are tailored to support a natural way of healing and boosts overall health.

Let your healing journey begin with Traditional Chinese Medicine

There’s a way to live a pain-free life.

A gentle guide in your healing health journey

Meet Anna

No matter what health issues you’ve been struggling with, I understand the journey you’ve been on to ‘feel good’.

Modern life brings brings demands that wear on your mind and body.

Schedules and environments begin take a toll on you and life becomes interrupted with imbalances and symptoms.

You’re not alone. I am here with you every step of the way, guiding you through a transformative, healing journey.

Comprehensive healing plans integrate timeless wisdom, modern knowledge, and personalization to restore balance and help you live the life with you desire!

Getting Started with Modern Meridian

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine in Kansas City

    Schedule a Consultation

    Your initial consultation can be done virtually or in-clinic.

    We will review your health history in-take form and develop the best treatment plan for you.

  • Kansas City Integrative Wellness

    Experience Integrative Wellness

    Using a range of Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies, an easy to follow plan will support and maximize the effectiveness for your symptoms and goals.

  • Modern Meridian Chinese Medicine

    A Transformative Modern Life

    We support you with a transformative healing process, making modern life more enjoyable! This will help you listen to your body for guidance to feel like yourself again.